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Olmos y Robles


Cartel promocional de la popular serie TV "Olmos y Robles" con Luis Miguel Seguí

Promotional poster for the popular TV series “Olmos and Robles” with Luis Miguel Seguí.

“Olmos y Robles” is a popular TV series, issued in prime time, with an extraordinary cast. Luis Miguel Segui shares the screen with some of the most popular actors of the small screen, as Pepe Viyuela, Ruben Cortada, Alex O’hogherty, Enrique Villén and Ana Morgade.

The character

Luis Miguel Segí, en el papel de Alcides, en Olmos y Robles

Luis Miguel Seguí as Alcides, in Olmos y Robles TV series.

Alcides (Luis Miguel Segui) is a technocrat, an official of the secret service, with connections in the CNI and Interpol. Alcides known Robles in a joint mission, and after becoming good colleagues, helps him in his new post, using his contacts in the agencies, to find the real murderer.


La historia

Ezcaray is a quiet town where nothing ever happens. However, everything changes when Boris, one of the neighbors, appears beheaded at home. This strange event leads to the very Interpol to the town, and that’s how Agustin Robles, Lieutenant in the Rapid Action Group of the Civil Guard, meets Sebastián Olmos, the more folksy Corporal of La Rioja.

Luis Miguel Seguí in an action scene of "Olmos y Robles"

Luis Miguel Segui in an action scene of “Olmos and Robles”
